I’m thrilled to announce that I’ve been invited to teach three workshops on prayer beads at SOULfeast this year!  SOULfeast is a national conference and retreat sponsored by Upper Room Ministries, a ministry of the United Methodist Church.  The conference is held every year in July in gorgeous Lake Junaluska, North Carolina. 

My family and I went to SOULfeast for the first time last year and enjoyed wonderful opportunities for retreat, worship, and spiritual formation.  I came away with new ideas, new books, new friends, and most of all, a renewed awareness of God’s grace in my life.  We are looking forward to going again this year.  The theme is “The Invitations of Jesus” and the keynote speakers will be Trevor Hudson and Enuma Okoro.   

The Worship Banner at SOULfeast, 2010

I’m very excited and thankful about the chance to speak at SOULfeast!  Two of the workshops I’m leading, titled “Prayer Beads: A Tool for More Focused Prayer,” will be for adults.  In them I’ll be talking about the history, symbolism, and use of prayer beads.  Participants will have a chance to make their own prayer beads and practice different types of prayers with them.  The third workshop is going to be for children (how cool is that?!?).  They will also learn some of the history of prayer beads and make their own sets as well.  It’s a wonderful opportunity to introduce more people to this great prayer tool.   

I hope to see some of you there!