Today is my husband, Max’s, birthday, so my family and I are celebrating his life, gifts, and presence today.  He just happens to be a Methodist minister, and yesterday he preached a wonderful sermon, which was based on the story of Jesus calling Simon and Andrew to follow him (Matthew 4: 18 – 20).  Max talked about how Jesus chose ordinary people – people like you and me – to follow him.  And how Jesus promised to “make them fishers of men;” in other words, Jesus promised to give Simon and Andrew the tools and the abilities necessary to do what he was calling them to do. 

I find that extremely uplifting and comforting, to know that God calls each and every one of us to a special purpose; and not only that, that in doing so He promises to give us what we need to fulfill that calling.  All we have to do is listen for the call – whenever and however it may come – and then, trusting, follow Jesus. 

Today’s devotion is a little different than our usual devotions.  I have intentionally designed it to be simple, meditative, so that instead of filling the space with words and our own thoughts, we can instead just listen for God to call us.  If possible, try to memorize the responses for both the cruciform and week beads, so that, over time, your mind can shut off and you can truly listen for God’s call to you.  Then, when there are times in your life where you are unsure of what to do, return to this devotion, and listen again.

Cross: In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen.

Invitatory Bead: “’Come, follow me,’ Jesus said, ‘and I will make you fishers of men.’ At once they left their nets and followed him.” (Matthew 4:19 – 20, NIV)

Each Cruciform Bead: “Come, follow me,” Jesus said.

Each set of Week Beads: on each bead repeat, “Here I am, Lord.  Lead me.” 

Invitatory Bead: recite The Lord’s Prayer

Cross: In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Amen