Today is Christ the King Sunday. As the end of the Christian year it lets us end on a high note by proclaiming Jesus Christ as the King of all Creation.  

During his children’s sermon this morning, my husband, Max, observed that Americans haven’t lived under a monarchy for several hundred years now. As a result, it may be difficult for us, and particularly our children, to conceive of what it means to proclaim Christ as King.

It’s a great point. Most of what I know about kings and queens comes from watching our British friends. A self-described Anglophile, I’m fascinated with the story of Henry VIII, his six wives, and his daughters, Mary and Elizabeth. I have watched “The King’s Speech” more times than I can count. And I enjoy keeping up with the modern royal family: Queen Elizabeth, Diana, Charles, William and Kate, Harry, etc. But these days, it appears the royals are more for decoration than anything else. That doesn’t help my understanding of Christ as King. Plus, no matter what our understanding of earthly kings, Jesus, as always, redefines what it means to be king.

So I thought it would be appropriate to spend some time with our beads. Use them to consider what it means to proclaim Jesus as King of all Creation. Think about what that means for your life and for our world. Doing so may help us better understand how we can honor Christ the King. And how we can begin to prepare for His birth.

Cross: In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen.

Invitatory Bead: ”Jesus replied, ‘My kingdom doesn’t originate from this world . . . My kingdom isn’t from here.'” (John 18:36, CEB)

Resurrection Bead: Christ has died. Christ is risen. Christ will come again.

1st Cruciform Bead: Christ is King!

1st set of Week Beads: use each bead to consider what it means to proclaim Christ as King.

2nd Cruciform Bead: Christ is King!

2nd set of Week Beads: use each bead to consider what it means for our world to proclaim Christ as King.

3rd Cruciform Bead: Christ is King!

3rd set of Week Beads: use each bead to consider what it means for you personally to proclaim Christ as King.

4th Cruciform Bead: Christ is King!

4th set of Week Beads: use each bead to consider how you will honor and serve Christ the King.

Resurrection Bead: The Risen Christ is alive! Alleluia!

Invitatory Bead: recite The Lord’s Prayer

Cross: In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Amen.