This devotion is for the soldiers with PTSD, and for all those who struggle with spiritual pain.

Prayer Bead Devotion

Cross: God of Healing,

Invitatory Bead: even when I do not feel it,

Resurrection Bead: you are with me.

First Cruciform Bead: I am hurting. Help me.

Week Beads, 1st Set: Use each bead to acknowledge your pain, inviting God into it.

Second Cruciform Bead: I have a story to share, the truth of my pain. Help me.

Week Beads, 2nd Set: Use each bead to tell the story of your pain, and feel that God is listening as you speak your truth.

Third Cruciform Bead: I have so many feelings and questions. Help me.

Week Beads, 3rd Set: Use each bead to share with God whatever feelings or questions you have about your pain and healing process.

Fourth Cruciform Bead: I want to be whole and at peace. Help me.

Week Beads, 4th Set: Use each bead to pray for wholeness and peace; to sit still with God and allow God to minister to you; to breathe deeply and know God’s deep love for you.

Resurrection Bead: God of Healing,

Invitatory Bead: heal me.

Cross: Amen.


Listening Focus (to be repeated with each bead): Heal me.

Daily Meditation


Prayerworks Studio | the-lord-your-god-is-with-you-wherever-you-go