Yes, it’s January 22nd and I’m just now posting about listening for your word for the year. But no worries. All that means is that this is not about perfection – you don’t have to have your word by January 1st in order for it to be meaningful. And that I’m living into my own imperfection and owning up to my busy life.

That being said, for the past five or so years I’ve joined with others to listen for a word that will “guide” me for the year. It has become a powerful practice for me for two reasons. First, rather than choosing a word you think might symbolize your year or inspire you, the idea is to receive your word. This requires being still and listening, paying attention for words that come up for you in prayer, silence, reading, conversations, and other ways, seeing what resonates for you, and being open to words the Spirit might use to lead you to new places in life. It’s a beautiful way to begin the new year.

Second, each year I really have carried my words with me throughout the months. I do this by creating – or again, receiving – a seven-word prayer that includes my word. This prayer becomes a mantra I can incorporate into my prayer time and repeat throughout the day, which keeps the word in front of me. As I experience life, I hold my word up to the experience to see what I might learn. For example, my word for 2018 was abundance. When we were shocked to learn of my husband’s new appointment, I quickly turned to God to discern the ways in which God’s abundance would be revealed during this life change. And when we chose to downsize our living space from 3,000 sq. ft. to 1270 sq. ft., I learned that abundance can be about the abundance of free time that comes from having less (abundant) stuff and space. But my favorite lesson was in paying attention to the simplest moments and recognizing an abundance of God’s deep love in them: my cat purring; my son strumming his guitar; the sound of holy silence as I sat with a loved one who was grieving. My word served as a simple but powerful tool for contemplation and discernment.

Have you begun the process of listening for and receiving your word for 2019? If not, I encourage you to begin paying attention for the word that might be revealed to you. There’s no need to rush the process. Just pay attention. Sit with different words you’ve begun to hear, listen for what resonates or feels right, perhaps journal about it or talk it over with a trusted friend. Keep in mind that you can’t mess this up, so whatever you go with God will use for good.

Once you have your word, share it with me. I’d love to hear it! And as in year’s past, I’ll gather all the words and share them with our collective audience.

Again, there’s no hurry and no pressure, but if you’d like for your word to be included in the collective announcement, please share it here or on Facebook or Instagram by Friday, February 1, 2019. Once I’ve heard from everyone, I’ll choose one name at random to receive a free book and set of prayer beads! Yep: giveaway time! And when I announce the winner, I’ll share the word I’ve received for 2019. Blessings!